A Proper Farewell and Where I Am Now!

It's been three years since I updated this blog, so I think it's time to acknowledge that I just don't have time to keep up with it any more. I didn't want to shut down Pop Classics because it's been a huge part of my career, but realistically I'm just not able to keep up with regular blogging. I will leave the site up as long as Blogger is willing to host it - I still refer back to the archives for notes myself on a regular basis!

I occasionally blog at my wordpress site at https://jgharrisson.wordpress.com/blog/ and that's where I'll put odd movie, TV and book reviews as and when from now on. That blog hasn't been updated in a while either, but I will try to get back to it when I can!

I write regularly for Den of Geek and still occasionally for Doux Reviews. I also run a podcast called Creepy Classics, where I re-tell and discuss ancient, medieval and early modern ghost stories.

Thank you to everyone who's read Pop Classics over the years and especially to everyone who has contributed in some way. It really has meant a great deal to me and it launched both my academic career and my writing career. I look forward to re-connecting elsewhere in cyberspace!


  1. Your blog has been a constant source of inspiration for me, and your latest articles are absolutely fantastic.

  2. Loved reading this thaank you


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